OK, not really... but my kids still were out there before 8:00 AM, trying desperately to eke out a bit o' winter fun from about an 1/8 inch of ice...
And after taking all that time to find mittens, hats, warm pants, and coats, how long did Grace actually stay out there?
um, about 5 minutes.
I kinda think this is payback time for all those years my mom bundled us up in our snowsuits to go outside and play in the snow, only to have us turn right around and ask for help getting out of all of it, because we had to go to the bathroom.
[Suburban Cowgirl, this bit of winter magic is for you!]
I'm feelin' the love! I should post pics of what it looks like out here. I'm SO looking forward to SPRING!
I knew you'd find it funny! My kids would be sooooooo envious to see the kind of winter YOU have!
What's even funnier is that our next door neighbors didn't get even THIS much frost, so their kids were looking longingly into OUR yard and asking, "how 'come they got snow and we didn't?"
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