But now, sitting here in front of the computer, enjoying a most delicious snack of basmati rice and asparagus (with a healthy dose of cayenne on top) and splurging on a tiny glass of Firefly (ooooh. Gotta brag on fellow South Carolinians!), I finally have the time to update my blog and see what's going on in the rest of the world!
For those who may be wondering what I decided to do for science and history, I am sad to report that I'm still as befuddled as before. Every time I think I've made a decision, I see something different which makes me rethink the whole direction I should take again. (I feel a bit like Tevye as he tries to make up his mind in the musical Fiddler on the Roof)
So, still in debate mode, although I'm leaning heavily in the "let's-at-least-make-it-though-to-the-1900s" direction. That way I'll be able to take advantage of all the great resources I already have. I'll try to find something in The Story of the World to keep the interest of the younger guys.
Speaking of homeschooling, my dear, sweet husband is hard at work building bookshelves for us so that ALL the homeschooling books can be in one area (what a concept!) I'll post pictures when he is done, but for now a description will have to suffice: he's building a 12 ft wall unit with cabinets on the bottom, a drawer in the middle, and bookshelves on the top. The drawer in the middle -- when pulled out -- will be a desktop so that the older kids can come in here and work on independent projects and be somewhat removed from the younger kids who tend to crawl in laps... spill glue... color on their assignments... you know, the usual. He's already built the bottom frame and the faceplate, which is a good start. I'm hoping he will be able to get it done in the next month or so!
Those who read Conversion Diary regularly have already been introduced to Jen's "lifesaving" friend. For those who haven't, please take a moment and stop by Betty Beguiles. You won't be sorry! In fact, on her recommendation I went out and bought the Puppini Sisters CD and my family has loved it! (The dancing gets a little extreme at times in the living room, but as long as no one gets hurt it's O-K.)
I don't remember where I first saw a reference to Brian Regan, but if I did, I would send them a huge THANK YOU! Finally, a comedian who is funny and (get this) NOT crude. I can actually let my kids watch him. Already these have become a standard in our household:
Haha! We love Brian Regan. Actually he's a favorite of our diocesan Vocation director, and all the seminarians.
So when are you heading up this way?
Sometime in August... although I'm not sure when. I'll email you when I find out!
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