...and this...

...is absolutely terrified of this.

Can someone explain this to me?
[note: lest anyone out there write me off as a horrible parent, I will just say that letting the kids watch The Lord of the Rings was NOT my idea. My husband thought the older ones were ready, and it turns out that they have all been able to watch it with no nightmares. We watch it as a family and, in fact, it is my children's favorite movie, hands down.]
I dunno, Ouiz. I guess there's just something inherently terrifying about a baby wearing a habit.
I have to agree with you -- it *is* pretty scary.
My almost two year old son is also TERRIFIED of the Holy Baby movies. He would cry and bury his head into my chest when I would try to get him to watch it. I thought it had to be him, but now I'm not so sure! My husband is convinced that there is something wrong with them, to scare the baby so badly...
Here was my first thought:
“But in general, take my advice, when you meet anything that is going to be Human and isn’t yet, or used to be Human once and isn’t now, or ought to be Human and isn’t, you keep your eyes on it and feel for your hatchet.” -- C. S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
Oh, Eileen, that is PERFECT! =)
yeah, that baby's face is kind of creepy!
Jessica, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one whose child is scared of something like this! (the look of absolute horror on her face, accompanied by her jumping into her sister's arms and holding on for dear life, is not something we will soon forget!)
Eileen, that is perfect!!!
Madeleine was not a fan of this either. It's too bad really!
By the way, thank you for posting your comment on Margaret in Minnesota's blog about, um, not snipping. :)
I'm SO glad we chose not to do it and after all those comments I feel like he won't be the only one.
Children are the most sensitive to the spiritual realm - it just goes to show we need good vocations, instead of the 'liberated nuns' that outnumber the few holy and pious ones left in the world to date.
It's no biggie - she'll potty train and grow up like the rest of the kids -- hopefully and more than likely, a very good and pious Catholic Lady just like her Mom.=:^}
Allison, my kids all agree with you... Grace was the only one who actually started screaming, though!
Beth, I'm so glad you chose not to "snip" as well! We are not alone!!!
Adrienne, thank you for the encouragement -- prayerfully, she will grow up to love the Lord and the Faith, and not run screaming in terror! *grin*
OOOOHHH! I am scared of the Nunbaby too. At leat you KNOW Gollum is ,well, Gollum. A nunbaby is just, well, weird. I think your baby is very smart as she must know this too!
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