I couldn't take this ugly, beat-up rocking chair (that yes, I've rocked each of my children in) another day, so while Grace took her nap...

...I whipped up some slip covers out of the free fabric I was given.

You know where this is going, don't you?
Yeah... I'm trying to figure out if I should paint the chair.

Should I paint it, or not?
[I feel like I should explain the horrific mess in the background. This (unfortunately) is where Grace has to sleep -- in the battered shell of our former office. Since dh still has lots of construction to do in the new office, this stuff has no place to go. Poor Grace... she will have a nice bedroom one day!)
...I whipped up some slip covers out of the free fabric I was given.
You know where this is going, don't you?
Yeah... I'm trying to figure out if I should paint the chair.
Should I paint it, or not?
[I feel like I should explain the horrific mess in the background. This (unfortunately) is where Grace has to sleep -- in the battered shell of our former office. Since dh still has lots of construction to do in the new office, this stuff has no place to go. Poor Grace... she will have a nice bedroom one day!)
I vote for painting it! Are you thinking of using the same color as the second chair in the picture?
I think if you paint it, it will look great.
BEAUTIFUL COVERS YOU JUST, "whipped up"!!! I'm jealous - you're GOOD!!!\
To paint or not to paint - your first impression is usually your heart's desire. I can't wait to see what you've decided. many Blessings!!!
Yes, it would be the same color as the kitchen chairs I did a few weeks ago (see last picture)... gotta go with what I already have, right?
I'm torn... and dh thinks it's going to be a ridiculous amount of work sanding it (which it will).
Still, the wood looks pretty awful, I think.
Adrienne, thank you, but what YOU "whip up" is gorgeous. This is a "slap-the-cushion-on-the-fabric-and-draw-around-it-with-a-pencil-and-eyeball-it" sort of job. And velcro. I at least put velcro on it so the cushions could be taken off and washed... otherwise, we KNOW that the very next day some poor child would have spilled something on it, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth would be heard for miles around. It would NOT have been pretty.
So pretty! Yes, paint it!
Your husband is right that sanding it would be a huge pain, but it would look great painted. And sometimes tricky work isn't so bad if it's something you enjoy, too (cake decorating, knitting). Your sewing is amazing; I can barely force myself to put buttons back on!
BTW, on Friday (Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) I offered mass and my rosary for you. I'm not always great at focusing, but you got what I had.
I'm going to go against the grain here and vote for no paint. I do love the green color with the fabric but think the wood 'color' looks good with it, too!
No,no! Don't paint it! It would truly be lovely, but after a few months of "love" from all your beauriful children, the paint will be worn on the arms. Leave it it's "natural" color and make the rest of those projects we know you have planned.
Your slipcovers are beautiful. I like the natural wood. If you don't paint it, you can always whip up new slipcovers and not worry about it matching. So, I would vote not to paint. Let us know what you decide.
I'm impressed! No, I don't think it needs painted. It looks good as is! :)
And Grace I'm sure doesn't mind where she sleeps.
I cannot WAIT to meet you guys in August!
Barbara, THANK YOU for offering your Rosary and Mass!!!!!
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