When I first heard about this product from Chris Cash (from the Catholic Company) I was intrigued: a database that could search through the various translations of the Bible, the writings from Early Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church, Popes, Saints, Councils, etc. on just about any subject? Plus artwork, scripture references to every part of the Mass, a crash course on Church history, and access to the Catholic Encyclopedia?
The Faith Database is that and so much more.
I have been amazed at the wealth of information contained in this program.
I have spent nights just searching through the wonderful conversions to the Catholic Faith section.
In short, I had high expectations, and I was not disappointed.
For starters, I will direct you to Catholic Company's own brief overview of the program, since they allow you to actually see what I'm talking about.
I have only begun to use some of the features of the Faith Database, so it's difficult to give a full review of the program. I am currently spending some time working with its export option, to see how well it transfers the information to my PocketPC. As a test, I transferred the Didache to my PocketPC, and -- thanks to my husband -- was able to see it without losing any of its "html-ly goodness."
I hope I haven't lost anyone using technical jargon there. *grin*
Seriously, this is a great feature of this program -- to be able to look up a certain passage, book, or topic, and be able to export it and take it with me to Bible study without having to print it all out.
St. Francis de Sales Introduction to the Devout Life? Got it.
John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion? Got that too.
Various sermons, commentaries, and catechisms by Martin Luther? All there.
St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin? Yep.
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius?
Opus Dei's Examination of Conscience?
How about the documents from the Council of Trent?
Yes, yes, and yes.
In short, this is a wonderful resource -- for Bible study, homeschooling, personal study, etc.
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