Thursday, March 01, 2007

New blog for my blogroll!

I would like to officially welcome my friend "The Theology Geek" to my blogroll.

[warm round of applause!]

I am SO GLAD she started a blog! She and I have the most wonderful conversations (both in person and over IM) and her insights are just amazing. She is a devout Catholic who loves the Lord (obviously!) and loves studying the Faith.

She and I go way, way back. We met in the 5th grade (eek! was it really 29 years ago???) and even roomed together in college. My Dad's job required us to move around quite a bit when I was growing up, so she is the ONLY one (other than my family) that I can call and say, "hey! Remember when we used to...."

It's a great privilege to have her as my friend and to have her in the world of blogging.


Me said...

I have a friend like that too. It's interesting that we are both Catholic but I'm more of a traditional Catholic and she grew up to be very errr... a very liberal Catholic.

We met when we were in 2nd grade and because I also moved a kazillion times over the past 20 years we lose touch for a while, then get back together. WELL! 2 1/2 years ago my husband was transferred.... to the city where she lives!

It's awesome to have chats with her over coffee and see such different views and thoughts and insights when we were raised in the same church, same schools... all the way through High School.

Friends are awesome!

Ouiz said...

Aren't they? And to have someone who KNOWS you from "way back when" means even more. She can remember bad middle school perms, first boyfriends, school fights, and... well, you get the picture!

We took different paths after college, and yet here we both are, back in the Church, years later!