Friday, October 31, 2008

Come What May

Many, many thanks to Jessica from A Shower of Roses, who directed her readers to this movie: Come What May. Done by homeschooled students, it tells the story of a student at Patrick Henry College who is torn between taking the easy way out or doing the right thing.

I stayed up until 2:00 am watching it...


Kimberlee said...

Well, why didn't you call me up at 2 so we could discuss it? I finished at about ten of. :-) I just planned to watch the trailer to see what it was about and - whoosh - sucked right in!

Ouiz said...

That's so funny! That's what happened to me as well!

I was impressed by the main female character and how she approached casual dating... and how it affected the male character. Have you ever read A RETURN TO MODESTY?

Jessica Gordon said...

I am so glad that you enjoyed it!! I was up way too late as well! :)

I have never heard of that book you mentioned. I will have to check it out!