And speaking of binders...
My friend Malia has gotten into this coupon thing with me, and tossed off a little email to me last night, asking "What do you think of this coupon organizer?"
That did it.
You see, I've been using this
and it's gotten awfully full.
I had to spend more time organizing coupons than I wanted to, but that was the only way to be able to find what I needed when I needed it. I knew I wasn't happy with my system, but wasn't doing anything about it.
Until I was shown... the binder.
Seriously, I should have thought of the binder idea long ago. I am somewhat of a binder queen, using them for everything from homeschooling organization, favorite family recipe collections, homekeeping "control" journal, Bible study notes, etc etc etc.
I've got a lot of binders.
So it was with great enthusiasm that I jumped on my next project -- getting a better organization system in place!
I gathered my supplies -- a binder and some trading card protectors...
...but first, I had to make the outside pretty, or I wouldn't be inspired.
Then, I got to work. I figured that the front pocket and the zippered pencil holder...
Would be a great place for the flyers and "coupons I haven't filed yet"
The page protectors seem like they'll be a pretty good solution, although I can tell right now that being able to see through the pages is going to annoy me.
That's too much "visual clutter" for me. My dh, who knows me so well, took my complaint in stride and recommended putting dividers between each page. I was going to just put the adhesive tabs on the plastic pages themselves, but now that I see how it looks, I think he's right.
I'll be working on this more tomorrow... filling up the pages, adding category tabs on the side and... here's the big one -- giving it "the drop test." Will I lose all my coupons if (ahem) some little one drops it off the counter?
Tune in tomorrow and see!
I tried the binder method for about a week and then I gave up. The baseball card pages were too much of a pain. Too many coupons are larger than the baseball card size so I was constantly trimming and folding to get coupons into place. Too. Much. Work. I switched back to an envelope system in a craft box, works for me. Good luck with your new binder! (I love binders too)
Okay, you've inspired me. I can fit SO much more in a binder than in my coupon file... and purse... and hands...and floating around the grocery cart...and falling on the floor when I'm not looking...
I hadn't thought about being able to keep flyers and stuff in the pocket inside the cover. Maybe that way I won't lose my Bloom sticker card for the cookware again. Did I tell you I must have accidentally tossed it out with all my old flyers when I cleaned out my drawer, forgetting I had even put it in there? GRRRR!!
And by the way, your jacquard cover is beautiful-- oh, so much more attractive than watermelons. :-)
And by the way again, your old accordion file is way nicer than the one I got at the same store. Wal-Mart must have taken a big step down in the coupon organizer department between your visit and mine. Mine is WAY uglier and tackier... and more embarrassing. But no matter. It's just all the more reason to set up my own. :-)
Mrs. Marcos -- I'm sorry the binder system didn't work for you, but I'm glad you have something that does! We'll have to see if this works for me or not.
Malia -- I don't know... I can see you with the watermelon binder *grin*.
I know you'll set up an amazing system, which will inspire ME, and then we'll keep working it back and forth and eventually take our gig on the road and make our fortune! Watermelon? I eat it with gusto, but I won't decorate with it!
Some fruits, my friend, are lacking in inherent beauty.
Boy I hope you have your comments set up so you receive them in your inbox, esleway you'll never receive this.
VERY pretty. I likey. What are your categories? Someone else mentioned the same problem I've been having...bigger coupons not fitting. Yours is all neat and tidy.
I LOVE the divider idea. Gonna do that for sure!!!
Michelle, I *do*, in fact, get an email alert! *grin*
I've just finished a new post, and I answer most of your questions... I think... oh! Except for the bigger coupon problem -- if it's one of the longer ones, I put it in one of the pockets at the bottom of the page and just let it cover the pocket above it... does that make sense? Otherwise, I fold them in such a way that I see the picture and the amount without all the extra stuff...
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