Saturday, August 16, 2008

Well, maybe he does

I wish... I really wish... I could introduce you all to my son Christopher. Not that my other kids aren't wonderful too, but you just have to know Christopher to fully appreciate his sense of humor. His delivery is so dry and deadpan that you can't tell if he really means what he's saying, or if he's in on the joke.

Either way, life with him is a delight.

Tonight's zinger came at the dinner table...

Sean: So, how do you think Santa gets his little elves, anyway?

Christopher: He probably sets up traps... [takes a bite, chews, and pauses]... at least for the wild ones, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Ah, that's the Christopher we know and love. Quirky, sweet, trapezoidal Christopher... :-)

Lisa said...

Ahaha! Love it, love it...